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⚠️ Archived Version: This documentation is for an outdated version. Please visit the latest version.

Get users



Retrieve a list of your organization's Copilot API Users, ordered by creation time.


Query Parameters

    cursor string

    The cursor you received in the next_cursor field to fetch the next page.

    limit integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 100

    The amount of objects to retrieve, between 1 and 100.

    order string

    Possible values: [ASC, DESC]

    Default value: ASC

    This flag is used to get results sorted in ascending or descending order.

    activated boolean

    Optional filter for activated/deactivated users.


A paginated list of Users.

    data object[]required
  • Array [
  • id uuidrequired

    A unique identifier.

    activated booleanrequired

    Always true unless you explicitly deactivate the user.

    external_id stringnullable

    Possible values: <= 256 characters

    A unique identifier for the user from another system which is given to Nabla.

    metadata objectnullable

    You can use this parameter to attach key-value data to the object. You can specify up to 50 keys, with key names up to 40 characters long, all values must be of type string and up to 500 characters long.

    You should not use this to store Protected Health Information (PHI) or any patient-related data.

    property name* string
    created_at date-timerequired

    The creation date of this object, in ISO 8601 format.

    email emailnullablerequireddeprecated

    This is a deprecated feature, you should not have use-cases where you create Nabla email-based accounts for your API users. Please reach out if anything.

    roles role (string)[]requireddeprecated


    This is a deprecated feature, you should not have use-cases where you create users with roles other than practitioner from the API. Please reach out if anything.

  • ]
  • has_more booleanrequired
    next_cursor next_cursor (string)nullable

    An opaque cursor to fetch the next page of the collection.
